Psychoanalytic Electronic Publishing (PEP)

How to Subscribe – 如何订阅

The IJP Chinese Annual is exclusively available online on PEP-Web. An annual subscription gives access to the full text of all volumes published. To retain access you must retain your subscription.

(In the future, previous years’ Chinese Annuals which have been published for at least three years will be part of the pep-web archive and so available to all pep-web subscribers.)

The individual annual subscription to the Chinese Annual is USD $15.

If you are already a PEP subscriber with your own unique username and password, the IJP Chinese Annual can be added as a new order via your PaDS account.

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《国际精神分析杂志》中文版年刊只能在PEP网站在线获得。一年的订阅可以给与一个阅读出版的所有卷的全文的入口。 保持这个入口需要保持您的订阅。


