New User Registration: 新用户注册:
To order a PEP product online you need to be registered at (PaDS). PaDS is a database held in common with some other psychoanalytic organizations. Your personal data is held in a secure form compliant with International law. You agree to this if you continue this registration process. To know more about the way PEP uses any personal data please click here.
要订阅PEP在线产品,需要在 (PaDS) 注册。PaDS是一个与一些其他的精神分析组织共同拥有的数据库。你的个人信息以安全的形式储存,符合国际法规定。如果你继续注册过程,视为同意这一约定。要了解更所关于PEP如何使用任何个人信息,请点击 这里。
The form below is ONLY for individuals wishing to use a PEP product for their own use. If you are ordering for someone else or for an Institution please view our subscription pages here.
下表适用于希望将 PEP 产品仅用于个人用途的个人。如果您的订阅是针对其他人或机构的,请在此处查看我们的订阅页面。
PEP uses PaDS and email as the primary means of communication with PEP customers and it will be to your advantage to receive our messages. Please keep your email address on PaDS up to date.
PEP 使用 PaDS 和电子邮件作为与 PEP 客户沟通的主要方式,接收我们的消息对您有利。请保持您在 PaDS 上的电子邮件地址是最新的。
To register with PEP please complete the form below. As part of this process you will be assigned a PaDS username and password which you will need to remember. You will then be taken to PEP’s secure order pages.
Customer Information 消费者信息
Please note all fields marked with a * are mandatory 请注意标有*的是必填项
Email Address: * Email地址
Confirm Email Address: * 确认Email地址
Web User Name: * 网站用户名
Confirm Web User Name: * 确认网站用户名
Title: * 称谓
First Name: * 名
Last Name: * 姓
VAT Number: VAT号
Home Telephone: * 家庭电话
Work Telephone: * 工作电话
Billing Address: * 账单地址
City: * 城市
State: (Non US or Canada) 州(非美国或加拿大地区)
State: (US or Canada) * 州(美国或加拿大地区)
Zip or Postal Code: * Enter space if you don’t have a code 邮递区号或邮政编码:如果你没有区号或编码,输入空格
Country: * 国家
Web User Password: * 网站用户密码
Confirm Password: * 确认密码